Creating a machine user

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In the EDB Postgres® AI Console, using your avatar's user menu (top right on the display), select the User Management page.

This takes you to the User Management page. Here, you can create a machine user that Beacon Agent can use to ingest data into your Estate.

Creating a machine user

Select the Add New User button.

On the Add New User page, for the "User Type" select *Machine User.

The form changes when you select make that selection so it's asking for a name and optional email. Enter a name for the machine user.

Creating an access key

Check the Create Access Key checkbox in Add New User page. The form will expand to ask for an Access Key Name and an Expiry time.

Give the key a name in the Access Key Name field and enter a value from 1 to 365 for the number of days from now that you want this key to be valid in the Expires In field. The date on which the key will expire is shown in the underneath the field.

Select the Add User button.

The form changes again to show a field with an "Access Key ...'s for new key". Copy the contents of this field to a secure location. This is the only time you can see this key. You can use the copy icon on the right of the field to copy the key to your clipboard.

After you have copied your access key, store it somewhere securely, as EDB does only lets you view access keys at creation time. If you lose your record of an access key, you need to get a new/replacement key by regenerating it.

Once you have securely stored your access key, select the Key Stored Safely button.

Assigning roles

Select the Projects tab to view all your projects.

Select the project from which you want to monitor the a database.

This will take you to the project's overview. Select the Users tab, and locate the machine user you just created.

Select the edit button (a pen icon) on the far right of the user entry. This takes you to the user editing page.

Select the Assign Roles button on the right of the page.

An Assign Project Roles dialog will appear with a selection of roles that can be assigned.

Select the "estate ingester" role and then select the Submit button.

Your new machine user is ready for to ingest data from the Beacon Agent.

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