Requirements v2

LiveCompare requires:

  • Python 3.6 or 3.7
  • PostgreSQL / EDB Postgres Extended 9.5+ / EDB Postgres Advanced Server 11+ (on the output connection)
  • PostgreSQL / EDB Postgres Extended 9.4+ / EDB Postgres Advanced Server 11+ or Oracle 11g+ (on the data connections being compared)

LiveCompare requires Debian 10+, Ubuntu 16.04+, SLES 12 SP5 and 15 SP3, or CentOS/RHEL/RockyLinux/AlmaLinux 7+.

You can install LiveCompare from the EnterpriseDB products/livecompare repository. For details, see the EDB customer portal.

LiveCompare installs on top of either:

  • The latest Python version for Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS/RHEL 8, as provided by the python3 packages
  • Python 3.6 for CentOS/RHEL 7, as provided by the python-36 packages

On CentOS/RHEL distributions, LiveCompare also requires the EPEL repository. For details, see the EPEL webpage.

Specifically on CentOS/RHEL version 7, the Python component tqdm is too old (< 4.16.0). You can install the latest tqdm using pip or pip3 for the user that is running LiveCompare:

pip install --user tqdm --upgrade

If running LiveCompare against an Oracle database, Oracle Instant Client must be installed. See Oracle support requirements for more information.

LiveCompare with TPAexec

You can use the following sample config for TPAexec to build a server with LiveCompare and PostgreSQL 11:

architecture: M1
cluster_name: livecompare_m1
cluster_tags: {}

  postgres_coredump_filter: '0xff'
  postgres_version: '13'
  postgresql_flavour: postgresql
  repmgr_failover: manual
  - products/livecompare/release
    - edb-livecompare
  use_volatile_subscriptions: true

- Name: main

  image: tpa/rocky
  platform: docker
    ansible_user: root

- Name: livem1node1
  location: main
  node: 1
  role: primary
    - 5401:5432
- Name: livem1node2
  location: main
  node: 2
  role: replica
  upstream: livem1node1
    - 5402:5432

For details about TPAexec, see the EDB customer portal.