AI Copilot v4

AI Copilot is an AI-driven chatbot tool, designed to assist you with issues that can occur during the schema assessment of DDL files. It uses third-party AI services and is trained on both EDB's product documentation and Support knowledge base to deliver use-case-specific solutions.

The chatbot is embedded into the Migration Portal, offering an easily accessible interface where you can interact with AI Copilot.

Use cases

You can ask questions about topics such as:

  • Migration strategies
  • Oracle and EDB Postgres Advanced Server or PostgreSQL DDL compatibility
  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server or PostgreSQL equivalents for Oracle queries
  • Syntax errors
  • Usage examples for specific procedures or functions

Use AI Copilot

  1. To start using AI Copilot, enable the service by agreeing to the terms and conditions.

  2. Enter questions. For examples, see How to create good prompts.


You can provide general feedback on a specific AI Copilot answer by selecting the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon.

You can also provide more detailed feedback or report an issue by copying the conversation ID and sharing it with the Support team.

Feedback via conversation ID and icon