EDB ODBC Connector 16.00.0000.01 release notes v16

Released: 09 Nov 2023

EDB ODBC Connector 16.00.0000.01 includes the following enhancement:

Upstream mergeMerged with the upstream community driver version 16.00.0000 and 15.00.0000. See the community Release notes for details.
EnhancementAdded support for EDB Postgres Advanced Server version 16.1.

If you are upgrading an earlier ODBC version on Ubuntu/Debian installation, you need to run the install command and specify the version number in the package name. For example the command for Ubuntu 20 is:

sudo apt-get install edb-odbc=16.00.0000.01-1.focal

If you get a message about downgrading, you can ignore it.