Trusted Postgres Architect 23.24 release notes v23

Released: 17 Oct 2023

2ndQuadrant/ansible deprecation

2ndQuadrant/ansible is now deprecated and tpaexec setup now defaults to Community Ansible.

Support for using the 2ndQuadrant Ansible fork will be removed from TPA in April 2024 and the GitHub repository will be archived.

You should switch to Community Ansible, which is now the default. For the vast majority of users, this change will be transparent.

If you are using --skip-tags with 2ndQuadrant Ansible, be aware that this is not supported with TPA and Community Ansible. We plan to provide an alternative to --skip-tags compatible with Community Ansible before the removal of 2ndQuadrant Ansible.

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in Trusted Postgres Architect 23.24 include the following:

Changetpaexec setup now defaults to using community ansible rather than 2ndQuadrant ansible. The option --use-2q-ansible can be used to force the use of 2ndQuadrant ansible, which is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. If you are using --skip-tags, see the install documentation.
ChangeWhen a repository has been removed from edb_repositories in config.yml, tpaexec deploy now removes it from the nodes.
ChangeTPA will now detect when harp-proxy and harp-manager are running on the same node and use a different config file for harp-proxy.
ChangeThe upgrade command will now update local repositories on target instances.
Bug FixFixed an issue whereby TPA did not respect postgres_wal_dir in pg_basebackup invocation
Bug FixTPA will now accept repmgr as a failover manager for subscriber-only nodes in PGD clusters, allowing physical replication of such nodes.
Bug FixFixed a typo which prevented TPA building Ubuntu 22.04 Docker images.
Bug FixTPA will now reject unsupported combination of the BDR-Always-ON architecture, the EDB Postgres Extended flavour, and PEM at configure-time.